woman in field taking photographs

Use these tips if the fear of failure is keeping you from your creative dreams.

Overcome the Fear of Failure

Creative Business Tips

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photo of woman writing on tablet computer while using laptop

Now is the best time to publish your first online course. Here’s why.

3 Reasons to Create an Online Course

Creative Business Tips

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empty gray road under white clouds

Lessons for your creative business from a recent road trip.

Lessons from the Road for for Your Creative Business


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photo of woman sitting by the table while writing

Does marketing feel scammy to you? It doesn’t have to! Here are 3 tips to ditch marketing sleaze for ease.

Market without the Sleaze

Creative Business Tips

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I’m pulling back the curtain on my biz origin story to inspire you to begin!

How to Start a Creative Biz

Creative Business Tips

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Calendar filled out for creatives

Are you ready to make more time to make your art? Dive into this Time Management for Creatives class.

Time Management for Creatives

Creative Business Tips

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Ready for more clarity and confidence on your creative journey? Let’s navigate the creative wilderness!

Navigate the Creative Wilderness

Creative Business Tips

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a young woman writing in a notebook while sitting on a couch

Choosing your creative biz name doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Use these tips to start.

Choose Your Business Name with these 3 Steps

Creative Business Tips

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Learn how this creative biz owner transitioned her biz to create value-driven impact.

Client Success Stories: Kaytia

Client Success Stories

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Ready to ditch overwhelm in your creative business? Get four simple tips here.

Overcome Overwhelm in Your Business

Creative Business Tips

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woman painting for her creative business

Ready to start your creative biz, but overwhelmed by fear? Here are three tips to move forward.

Overcome the Fear of Starting Your Business

Creative Business Tips

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Creative Biz Tips


from the studio

I’ve got you covered. Download your free Creative Biz Launch Checklist.

Ready to ditch the overwhelm and 
finally start your creative biz?

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Let's Connect β†—

I’m an illustrator and educator based in North Carolina. When I started my creative biz I dreamed of time and location freedom that would not only give me a rad biz, but a life to live fully. After making my dream a reality, it’s now my mission to help you bring your unique vision to life through coaching and illustration. If you love cowboy coffee, dancing to 90s music, and believe in the infinite power of creativity, you’re in the right place.

Hey! I’m Liz.

