Creative Business Tips

How to Overcome Doubt on Your Creative Journey

July 5, 2022

If you’re experiencing doubt on your creative path and are ready to take action on your dreams, this is for you.

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How do you overcome doubt on your creative journey? Do you let doubt stop you from taking action, keep you from moving forward, or stall your progress? Or do you acknowledge your doubt, move through it, and keep making forward traction on your creative dreams?

If you are stuck in the Dunes of Doubt on your creative journey, this class is for you.

Recognize Doubt on Your Creative Journey

The first step to overcome doubt on your creative journey is to recognize when doubt has arrived, how it is stopping you from reaching your dreams, and what your personal doubts are about your creative journey. In this class in the Creative Wilderness series, I’m sharing how to recognize the doubts when they arrive on your journey so you can fully witness them, and then overcome them.

How to overcome doubt on your creative journey. Image of woman lettering in her studio.

Tips to Overcome Doubt on Your Creative Journey

I’m sharing tips for you to overcome doubt, regain confidence in yourself and your creative practice, and move forward with more ease on your creative journey in this class in the Creative Wilderness series. This class will help you overcome the doubtful thoughts that hold you back from taking action on your creative dreams so you can find more confidence, belief, and forward momentum with your path.

In This Class in the Creative Wilderness, You’ll Learn How to:

  • Identify when you’ve reached the Dunes of Doubt on your journey
  • Regain confidence in yourself and your creative practice
  • Overcome Imposter Syndrome
  • Accept where you are now and keep growing
  • Use the Dunes of Doubt to cultivate more confidence and belief in your unique ability and path.

You’ll Walk Away From This Class With Tips to:

  • Know when you’re overcome by doubt on your creative journey
  • Regain confidence to move forward on your path
  • Strengthen belief in yourself, your creative work, and your creative intuition
  • Have a deeper understanding of the value of the Dunes of Doubt, and how to use it to your benefit on your creative journey.

Check Out the Class Trailer:

Take the Class

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I'm Liz, your new creative trail guide.

I know the creative biz journey can feel confusing, overwhelming, and isolating. But what if it didn’t have to feel that way? What if you had clarity and support for your path? That’s why I’m here.

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Let's Connect ↗

I’m an illustrator and educator based in North Carolina. When I started my creative biz I dreamed of time and location freedom that would not only give me a rad biz, but a life to live fully. After making my dream a reality, it’s now my mission to help you bring your unique vision to life through coaching and illustration. If you love cowboy coffee, dancing to 90s music, and believe in the infinite power of creativity, you’re in the right place.

Hey! I’m Liz.



