Ready to publish your first online course?

Ready to publish your first online course?

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Are you ready to *Finally* Launch Your First Online Course?

Are you ready to *Finally*
Launch Your First Online Course?


The step-by-step course to publish *your* first online course in 5 weeks *without* the overwhelm.

The go-to step-by-step course to publish *your* first online course
in 5 weeks without the overwhelm.

Join the Waitlist

Maybe you've been feeling a little like this...

You've been dreaming of creating your first online course for years, but you have *no idea* where to start!


You have soooo many course topic ideas, but don't know which one to choose first.

You're worried it's going to take way too long to make your online course, so you don't even start.

You're concerned you're going to pour all of your time & energy into this course and then . . . crickets.




It's Time to Publish Your First Online Course!

• You finally publish your first online course.
• You add a new passive income stream to your biz.
• You start building a community of raving fans around the world thanks to your new online course!

Imagine What it Will Feel Like When . . . 

• Create your artwork without pressure to make money off of it right away - you’ve got your course bringing in income in the background while you create!

• Connect with new students across the entire globe every single day who are craving to learn more and more from you!

• Establish yourself as a go-to teacher in your field.

• Start building your online community of amazing creatives who fall in love with your teaching style!

• Open up more opportunities in your creative biz than you initially dreamed possible. 

You Could Finally . . .

You *love* the idea of all this, but you've
still got some questions:

You *love* all of this, but you've still got some q's:

• “Where do I even begin?”
• “I have sooo many ideas! How do I know which course topic to publish first?”
• “I have no ideas. Can I even teach online?”
• “I don’t have fancy gear. How could I ever create an online course?”
• “This seems really overwhelming, and I don’t have a plan. How do I do this?”

I know. I hear you! there can be a lot of questions and confusion when you're creating your first online course.

I know. I hear you!
there can be a lot of questions and confusion when you're creating your first online course.

If you don’t have a plan to follow, it can be easy to make some critical time-consuming mistakes, get off track, and never end up pressing publish on this big dream you have for your creative biz.

Without guidance and a step-by-step action plan, it can be easy to get stuck in the overwhelm tornado and make it difficult to make any progress at all!

Press Publish™

That’s why I’ve created this straightforward, step-by-step course just for you.

The Step-By-Step Course to Launch *Your* First Online Course in 5 Weeks
Without the Overwhelm

The Step-By-Step Course to Launch *Your* First Online Course in 5 Weeks without the Overwhelm.

Press Publish™

A 5-week course for creatives that shows you how to create, launch, and market your first online course with ease, clarity, and confidence.

Join the Waitlist

Press Publish™ is the exact process I use to create my online courses as a Top Teacher on Skillshare.

And now, I’m pulling back the curtain to share it all with you!


What You'll Learn in Press Publish™

Which course topic to publish first. I know that as a fellow creative you likely have a tonnn of ideas. I'll teach you how to pick your *first* online course topic and make sure it's one that resonates with your audience.


How to pick a course platform when there are sooo many to choose from. You'll choose the best platform for you that is both strategic and simple to get started with your course creation process.


How to organize your course content & streamline your course creation process to majorly reduce the overwhelm so you can move forward with confidence and clarity.


The equipment and software you’ll need to publish your first online course (and it doesn’t have to be $$$!). In fact, you likely already have it on hand 😉.


How to effectively market your course to *your* people to get student enrollments *and* build your online creative community of raving fans.


What You'll Get in Press Publish:

One module each week over the 5-week course in both written and audio formats to make learning and implementation simple, actionable, and no-frills. It's time to do this thing! (i.e. modules are audio and text-based - all for the sake of simplicity and action).


Weekly action steps in each Module to hold you accountable, give you clear direction, and finally make your dream of publishing your first online course a reality. 


A PDF workbook to track your progress, hold you accountable, and keep your class production super streamlined from start to finish.


A production checklist to keep you focused and on track toward pressing publish (no more shiny object syndrome!).


A step-by-step plan delivered through this course filled with the tips, tricks, and action steps I wish I'd have known when I made my first online course (seriously, this would've saved me sooo much time!). 


What You'll Get in
Press Publish™

One module each week over the 5-week course in both written and audio formats to make learning and implementation simple, actionable, and no-frills. It's time to do this thing! (i.e. modules are audio and text-based - all for the sake of simplicity and action).


Weekly action steps in each module to hold you accountable, give you clear direction, and finally make your dream of publishing your first online course a reality. 


A PDF workbook to track your progress, hold you accountable, and keep your class production super streamlined from start to finish.


A production checklist to keep you focused and on track toward pressing publish (no more shiny object syndrome!).


A step-by-step plan delivered through this course filled with the tips, tricks, and action steps I wish I'd have known when I made my first online course (seriously, this would've saved me sooo much time!). 

plus two free bonuses!

Join today and get access to an exclusive Bonus Course Content Planner to keep all of your course content streamlined, organized, and in one place for easy-to-follow access.  These are the customizable templates I use to create a course from start to finish!

Get it for FREE when you enroll today!

(Typically a $97 value! ) 

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All for just $297

#1. Course Content Planner

#2. Voxer Office Hours with Liz: Pay-in-full bonus

If you Pay-in-Full during the Enrollment Window, you will also get access to FIVE 1:1 Voxer Office Hour Sessions with Liz for the 5-Week Course (these take place every Thursday between 10 am-5 pm EST for the duration of the course). 

(Typically a $2500 value! ) 

Get it for FREE when you Pay-in-Full today!
(This is the ONLY time this Bonus will be no additional cost).

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Get Press Publish™ for Only $297!

Get Press Publish for only $297!

• 5 weekly text and audio Modules to make learning and implementation simple, actionable, and no-frills.
• 28 simple, actionable lessons that eliminate overwhelm and get you into action.
• Weekly action steps to finally make your dream of publishing your first class a reality. 
• A PDF workbook to track your progress, hold you accountable, and keep your class production organized from start to finish.
• A production checklist to keep you on track toward pressing publish.

+ 2 free Bonuses:

What's Included in Press Publish™:

1. By purchasing now, you will get the Limited Time Bonus Content Planner Bundle (the exact templates Liz uses as a Top Teacher on Skillshare to reach over 19,000 students worldwide!) to make your course creation as streamlined and easeful
as possible.

2. If you Pay in Full during the enrollment window, you will also get access to one Voxer Office Hour Session/Week with Liz for the 5-Week Course. 

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All for just $297

What do the Weekly Modules Cover?

Establish your course topic & choose your platform.

Week 1

Week 2

Create Your Course Outline to make filming week as easeful as possible.

Week 3

Film your course with confidence, joy,
and fun!

Week 4

Edit your course and prepare to press publish to share it online.

Week 5

Publish your first online course & market it to your people!

Take this Course from Anywhere in the World!

The Press Publish™ Course is completely digital so you can access it from anywhere on any device. When you purchase, you’ll receive immediate access to Module One so you can start implementing right away! This includes access to your PDF workbook and Course Production Checklist.

Here's what the process looks like:

The Press Publish™ Course is completely digital so you can access it from anywhere on any device. When you purchase, you’ll receive immediate access to Module One so you can start implementing right away! This includes access to your PDF workbook and Course Production Checklist.

Here's what the process looks like:

Enroll in the
Press Publish™
course today.



You’ll receive access to the first module on Monday, May 13, 2024.


The remaining four modules will drop once per week.

this Course is For you if:

You have been dreaming of publishing your first online course for a while now and are ready for the step-by-step guide to get you there.

You desire to add an additional income stream to your creative business (and a passive income stream, to boot!).

You have sooo many ideas for classes to teach, but don’t know where to start.

You have 0 ideas of what to teach, but really want to create an online course!

this course is Not for you if:

You have 0 desire to teach online.

You’re unwilling to try new techniques and tools.

You don’t care about passive income.

You’re not ready to take action on your online course dreams.

You're not willing to put in the work to publish your course.

Yep! We have payment plans:

Three Monthly Payments of

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A One-Time Payment of

Two Monthly Payments of



What People Say

“Before working with Liz, I was struggling with starting my first Skillshare class, obtaining passive income, and picking my first online class topic. The technical side of making my first online class was also overwhelming - lots of questions about software, etc.

After taking Press Publish, I published my first Skillshare Course, got Staff Pick, was featured on the Skillshare Instagram Page, and had over 25 student enrollments during my first two weeks on
the platform!”

-Erica Catherine, Illustrator & Surface Pattern Designer

“Press Publish walked me through every step as I created my very first online course. Liz’s lessons are clear, full of actionable tips, and her templates made planning my course easy.

Right after I completed Press Publish I launched my first free mini course and 50 people signed up! I couldn't believe it!

A year later I used Liz's Press Publish system, again to create my first Skillshare class. Again, her resources streamlined the course building process and helped me successfully launch the class.

With that class, I won the Skillshare Teach Challenge and to date have had 50 students in that course. That number has been steadily going up each week.

-Kristi Westberg, CEO of At the Dot Design

"Press Publish is your one stop shop for everything you need to create your own course from the ground up. Seriously, no previous knowledge needed!"

-Lauren Galinksy, artist & creative ceo

"If you're brand new to the space and want to rely on someone else to have done the research and homework on different options out there for platforms, equipment, etc., this is a great primer and a great value."

-Emily Reno, CEO Mezclada

Meet your educator

And I’m *obsessed* with creating online courses (and let’s be real, passive income is my love language)!

I created my first online course in 2019 after getting super burned out schlepping gear to in-person workshops all across town. I was ready to connect with students from all over the world, work from anywhere, and bring passive income into my creative biz (aka: income that results from doing the work *once* and reaping the benefits for years to come). I realized it was time to try my hand at creating an online course. 

The thing was though, I had *no* idea what I was doing when I started. Through *a lot* of trial and error over the years, I’ve since become a Top Teacher on Skillshare, published over 20 online courses, reached over 19,000 students worldwide, *and* taught over 50 online courses with the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum. 

I *SO* wish I would’ve had this Press Publish™ Course back when I started because it would've made the course creation process *so* much easier. That's why I've created it just for you.

I made this Press Publish™ Course to save you the time, headache, and overwhelm that often goes along with creating your first online course. This course will help you make your dream of publishing *your* first online course a reality filled with joy, ease, clarity, and confidence.

I’m so excited to see you Press Publish™ and share your creative skills with the world!

Hey, Friend! I'm Liz!

Get the step-by-step guide to confidently launch your first online course in 5 weeks *Without* the overwhelm so you can gain freedom in your creative biz, add passive income, and grow your creative community.

Join the Waitlist   

Yes! You Can Do This Without "Fancy" Equipment or Months and Months of Time!

Yes! You Can Do This Without "Fancy" Equipment or Months and Months of Time!

Are You Saying, " Yeah, but . . ."

I can’t do this without fancy gear!

I don’t have anything to teach.

I don’t have enough time.

I hear you! I made Press Publish to *save* you the time, headache, and overwhelm that comes with trying to piece together your first online course from scattered resources across the internet. Press Publish puts it all in one convenient, step-by-step process delivered to you each week.

Lies! I truly believe *every* single creative has something to teach. Even if a topic has been taught a hundred times before, it’s never been taught by you! In this course, you’ll be brimming with ideas of what you can teach, choose your first topic, and then share it confidently with your people.

You don't need it! I'm tellin' ya, keep it simple right now. I made my first course with my iPhone 5 and iMovie (free software on a Mac). You, too, can create your first online course with your phone and free editing equipment. In this course, I’m sharing my favorite tools to publish your first online course (most of which you already have or are free!). 


Hiring me 1:1 to do this for you would cost $3500+.

Trying to string together info on the internet could take months - or years - to overcome the overwhelm and actually take action.

This course will help you save years of mistakes, pitfalls, questions, and overwhelm so you can take confident action and finally publish your first online course!

And You Can Get Now it for just $297


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I get it! You're just starting out.

Let's Do this!

Three Monthly Payments of

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A One-Time Payment of

Two Monthly Payments of



Frequently Asked Questions

How and when do I get access to the material?

When you purchase Press Publish™, you will receive access to the first module on Monday, May 13, 2024 to start bringing your first online course to life! You will also get access to your PDF Workbook, Course Creation Checklist, and Go-To Gear Guide at that time. The following 4 Modules will open up once a week for the remainder of the course.

How long does this course take to implement?

The beauty of creating your first online course is that you can create it *once* and reap the benefits for years to come. The upfront hours are well worth it. I recommended setting aside 3-4 hours per week to implement the content in this course. Your filming week will be the most time commitment of 5-8 hours (depending on the length of your course).

What is the course format?

Glad you asked! This is an audio and text-based course: no videos, no fluff, no bells & whistles. This is so that you can be totally focused on simplifying your course creation process and take action to publish your course with more ease! This course is composed of five modules delivered once a week with action steps to implement and keep you on track.

Who is this course a good fit for? Do I need prior experience making courses?

No previous experience required! You just have to be a creative who is ready to publish your first online course. This is made for the total beginner! 

Are there any other material or equipment costs besides the purchase price?

You can get as fancy as you want with camera, audio, and editing equipment, *but* I recommend starting simple with inexpensive/free equipment that you likely already have on hand. I share all of my favorite gear to get started in the course.

Do I get support, community or 1:1 access to you?

If you Pay-in-Full During Live Enrollment, you will get Bonus Access to Liz in Weekly Voxer Office Hours for the duration of the course.
There will be one Voxer Office Hour Day/Week for the 5-Week Course for those who Pay-In-Full during enrollment to help with your course progress.

What is the investment & what do I get by purchasing now?

You'll get Press Publish™ for $297 Pay-In-Full, or you can opt-in to one of our payment plans:
Option 1: Two-Payment Plan: $310 (2 payments of $155)
Option 2: Three-Payment Plan: $324 (3 payments of $108)

By purchasing now, you will get the Limited Time Bonus Content Planner Bundle (the exact templates Liz uses as a Top Teacher on Skillshare to reach over 19,000 students worldwide!) to make your course creation as streamlined and easeful as possible.

If you Pay in Full during the enrollment window, you will also get access to one Voxer Office Hour Session/Week with Liz for the 5-Week Course. 

What makes this course different from other online courses?

#1. You're a creative. You don't want to create some stoic, lack-luster class that feels pantsuit professional do ya? You want to create something that feels *fun*, authentic, and true to your creative style.

#2. You're not ready to make your "flagship course" yet. You just want to publish your *first course* in the simplest, most easeful way possible. Then you can start thinking about growing and expanding out from there!

Is there a refund policy?

This course has a 14-Day Refund Policy. To qualify, you must submit completed course-work to from the first two modules within 14 days of enrollment. We believe in the power of this course and want you to see the results from taking action on the content!

refund policy

This course has a 14-Day Refund Policy.

To qualify, you must submit completed course-work to from the first two modules within 14 days of enrollment. We believe in the power of this course and want you to see the results from taking action on the content!

Ready to finally make your online course dreams a reality?

Join Press Publish™ today to transform your idea into your online course in 5 weeks.

Join the Waitlist   

Have any questions about the Press Publish™ Course?
Drop me a line! I’m here to help!

©Press Publish is copyrighted by Liz Brindley of Liz Brindley, LLC. Any infringements on this copyright will result in legal action. Thank you for respecting intellectual property and copyright standards.